2008年10月21日 星期二


1. 大竹狐猴  Greater Bamboo Lemur
發現,只有在一個小地區的東南部馬達加斯加,更大的竹狐猴不僅吃竹筍-盡管氰化物發現的植物。 最瀕危的馬達加斯加狐猴,不到200被認為仍然存在。

2.  西裏伯斯島冠獼猴.  Celebes Crested Macaque
這黑色短尾猿的發現,只有西北部地區的印度尼西亞,主要在蘇拉威西島-也被稱為西裏伯斯島。 它往往是作為一個捕獵害蟲-它可以摧毀農場-和叢林。

3. 低地大猩猩.   Lowland Gorilla

4. 馬達加斯加魚鷹. Madagascar Fish Eagle


The rodent is one of the most endangered mammals in North America, with less than 40 individuals found in an area less than 10 sq. km. Logging is most likely the cause of its diminishing numbers.
5. 溫哥華島土撥鼠. Vancouver Island Marmot

The population of the black rhino declined by 90% over the last six decades, thanks chiefly to poaching. But since the mid 1990s — when fewer than 3,000 of the African rhino existed — the population has increased steadily, and now there are over 4,000
6. 黑犀牛. Black Rhino
黑犀牛的數量下降了90 % ,過去60年裏,由于主要是偷獵。 但自20世紀90年代中期當少于3 000非洲犀牛存在-人口不斷增加,現在有超過40 00。

Believed to be the most endangered mammal in Europe, the Iberian lynx, found mostly in Spain, has fewer than 150 individuals in the wild. It's dying out because its main source of food — a rabbit — is also declining rapidly.
7.  伊比利亞的猞猁.  Iberian Lynx


Found on the Philippine island of Mindoro, the dwarf water buffalo was once widespread, but now is found in less than 300 sq. km. The chief threat is expanding farmland, which is cutting into the water buffalo's habitat.
8.  民都洛島矮水牛.   Mindoro Dwarf Water Buffalo
發現在菲律賓民都洛島,矮水牛曾一度很普遍,但現在發現在不到300平方公裏。 主要的威脅是擴大耕地,這是削減到水牛的棲息地。

Also known as the Yangtze dolphin, and found in the river in China, the Baiji is the most endangered cetacean in the world. It may already be extinct.
9.  貝吉海豚.  Baiji Dolphin

The gorgeous bird breeds in arctic Russia and western Siberia, but thanks to severe wetland loss, it is declining rapidly.
10.  西伯利亞鶴 Siberian Crane



