「甘 將軍」俗稱「陰陽仔」, 為刑罰惡人的執行者。臉譜最大 特徵為「黑紅陰陽目」是「八將 」中前四班將軍之一,與柳將軍 合稱「班頭」為日遊巡。甘、柳 、謝、范四大將軍組成一個具有追捕罪犯能力的組織,也是家將 團展演時的主力。
[8 Officers]
One of the group dancing rites of folk belief in Taiwan, in total of 8, they are responsible for driving ghosts and devils. It plays an important role in the temple festivals in Taiwan.
「柳將軍」又稱「三角仔」, 嘴斜眼歪的「章魚足行目」臉譜 是最大特徵,為「八將」中前四 班將軍之一,與甘將軍合稱「班 頭」。是刑罰惡人的執行者,為 夜遊巡。甘、柳、謝、范四大將軍組成一個具有追捕罪犯能力的 組織,是家將團展演時的主力。
[8 Officers]
One of the group dancing rites of folk belief in Taiwan, in total of 8, they are responsible for driving ghosts and devils. It plays an important role in the temple festivals in Taiwan.
謝將軍姓謝,名必安,又稱「 白無常」或「七爺」身材修長,身 穿白袍,頭戴白帽,口吐紅舌,右 手拿一把羽毛扇,傳說扇子的每一 根羽毛,都寫著惡人的名字,左手 拿令牌,人見人怕,與「八爺范將 軍」情同手足,兩位都是服膺在「 城隍爺」前捉拿惡鬼的專差。
[8 Officers]
One of the group dancing rites of folk belief in Taiwan, in total of 8, they are responsible for driving ghosts and devils. It plays an important role in the temple festivals in Taiwan.
范將軍姓范,名無救,又稱「 黑無常」或「八爺」身材矮胖,面 色黝黑,頭戴黑帽,左手拿著「賞 善罰惡」的牌子,右手持枷鎖鐵鍊 。與「七爺謝將軍」情同手足,兩 位都是服膺在「城隍爺」前捉拿惡 鬼的專差。
[8 Officers]
One of the group dancing rites of folk belief in Taiwan, in total of 8, they are responsible for driving ghosts and devils. It plays an important role in the temple festivals in Taiwan.
「春大神」又稱「洪將軍」或「 蓮花仔」,面繪蓮花臉,身穿紅 色衣服,右手持扇子,左手持花 籃或水桶,用意是當犯人被拷問 昏倒時,提水潑醒犯人之用。春 夏秋冬四大神合稱『四季神』, 與『四大將』合稱『八將』。主 要工作是審訊犯人。
[8 Officers]
One of the group dancing rites of folk belief in Taiwan, in total of 8, they are responsible for driving ghosts and devils. It plays an important role in the temple festivals in Taiwan.
「夏大神」又稱「曹將軍」或 「葫蘆仔」,面繪火紅的倒掛葫 蘆圖樣,臉頰以白、藍色彩繪火 焰圖,身穿綠衣,右手持扇,左 手執火盆,意在烙燒犯人之用。
春夏秋冬四大神合稱『四季神』 ,與『四大將』合稱『八將』。 主要工作是審訊犯人。
[8 Officers]
One of the group dancing rites of folk belief in Taiwan, in total of 8, they are responsible for driving ghosts and devils. It plays an important role in the temple festivals in Taiwan.
「秋大神」又稱「馮將軍」或「 鳥嘴仔」,臉譜有如鵬鳥,額頭 是鵬鳥的尾部扇羽,臉頰如鳥腹,相當艷麗,身穿青衣,右手持 扇,左手持金瓜錘,用意是敲打 犯人。春夏秋冬四大神合稱『四 季神』,與『四大將』合稱『八 將』。主要工作是審訊犯人。
[8 Officers]
One of the group dancing rites of folk belief in Taiwan, in total of 8, they are responsible for driving ghosts and devils. It plays an important role in the temple festivals in Taiwan. 冬大神
「冬大神」又稱「金將軍」或「 虎面仔」,面繪虎臉,眼露凶光 身穿黑衣服,右手持扇子,左手 握蟒蛇,用意是嚇唬犯人。春夏 秋冬四大神合稱『四季神』,與 『四大將』合稱『八將』。主要 工作是審訊犯人。
[8 Officers]
One of the group dancing rites of folk belief in Taiwan, in total of 8, they are responsible for driving ghosts and devils. It plays an important role in the temple festivals in Taiwan.